FIRE finds attention to detail dull and it hinders their ability to see the big picture furthermore, who wants to be bogged down by the necessities of life anyway? Yet, those with introverted FIRE are held up as examples of inspiring thinkers, artists, and visionaries who push us to be our best. FIRE people have difficulty dealing with the typical stresses, day-to-day responsibilities and commitments of adulthood. We may have both extroverted and introverted FIRE, so don’t assume that all those born under the fire are overly confident. The extroverted type of FIRE sees the world with optimism and a sense of adventure, and they may delight in activities like sightseeing and sports.
Grand trine kite astrology driver#
People with Grand Trines are very lucky, but they also need a driver such as a T-square, to push them along to greatness. He then came to the United States and started a business that became very successful. His Grand Fire Trine and the help of a good astrologer later got him to safety when he needed to escape from the communists. I had a client who lived through a German concentration camp and went back to Hungary. They can be impulsive, but sometimes can survive things that other people cannot. Those with a Grand Fire Trine can be too rash and take too many chances, like a fireman who rushes back into a burning building at great personal risk. The Fire Grand Trine is packed to the brim with creative potential, and according to Jung’s typology method, people dominated by FIRE are intuitive and have a spark of divine inspiration within them.Īccording to “ The Art of Predictive Astrology: Forecasting Your Life Events,” an introduction to the field of predictive astrology: Armstrong’s horoscope featured a Fire Grand Trine, which illuminated the Ascendant and contributed to his generally upbeat attitude on life. This makes six aspects in all - three trines one opposition and the two sextiles created between the ‘tail’ of the kite and the remaining two corners (the other two. Those who are lacking in FIRE lack the vitality and ease of action that characterise those who function within the fiery trigon. A Kite occurs in an astrological chart when three planets lie in a Grand Trine pattern, and a fourth lies directly opposite one of the three planets in the trine. Individuals born under the sign of the fire are naturally curious, enthusiastic, and eager. It was also well known that Louis Armstrong was a very kind man who loved young people and got a lot of joy from performing for them.

People have said that the singer had an engaging personality, and it was important for him to give his best performance. Having the Sun in the 5th house in the sign of Leo shows a desire for creativity, drama, and to stand out as unique. His Sun was in the sign of Leo, his Moon is in the sign of Aries, and Uranus was in the sign of Sagittarius these positions all form a trine to one another.

For one thing, Louis Armstrong, who often sung about how much he enjoyed living in such a wonderful world, had a grin that would not leave his face and had this Fiery Grand Trine. Those that have Grand Fire Trines have a fairly good reason to be glad, god darn it.